Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Welcome to the Shit Hole


This is my very first "Shit Hole Happenings" blog.

First, let me explain the name of my blog...and it's purpose.

The term 'Shit Hole' refers to my place of employment. I hate my job, and I hate the majority of the people that I work with...as such, it is a Shit Hole.

This blog is going to be a place for me to vent my horror and disgust over the crap that goes on in my 'company'. I can't give you too much personal information, because I can't risk losing my job. At the same time I feel this over-powering urge to share the unbelievable madness that goes on in this company!

Here is what I can tell you:

a) I work for a SaaS company.
b) My company recently received millions of dollars in funding from a VC.
c) My CEO is a brainless twit.
d) We're a West Coast company. In business for about...2 years.

I will post regularly about the miserable happenings here at the Shit Hole.

I will start tomorrow by giving you a bit of back ground on each 'character' (person I work with), they're place in my 'company' and how they contribute to the impending down fall of this Shit Hole.

Until then~